DMAIC Projects

The Lean Business Coach can partner with your organization on multiple projects simultaneously and fill the role of independent project mentor, effectively guiding employees and driving project performance.  Most recently certified Yellow, Green, and Black Belt trained employees require guidance and mentoring on a number of projects before flying solo and consistently achieving management performance improvement objectives.

7 Quality Tools

7 quality tools photo


We can provide education programs in Lean and Lean Six Sigma, for example, the 7 quality tools illustrated above.  With our primary focus being to assist your organization with creating Lean and Lean Six Sigma leaders, we can tailor education programs to include project guidance and completion.  This is achieved via longer term employee mentoring projects and programs.

We can work with your employees on individual projects of structure a deployment process for multiple inter-connected DMAIC projects.  This allows for the overhaul of an entire process with a highly experienced mentor that can execute connected projects to achieve management objectives.  This is a very powerful project approach and often results in the highest process improvement gains in the shortest amount of time.